Student Support Services

Academic Support
If you are experiencing language difficulties, are behind in your studies, at risk of failing or simply wish to improve your social skills, we have all-inclusive Student Academic Support Service programs targeted especially to help you.
These classes and sessions will provide you with support in the following areas:
Reading and comprehension for assessments and lesson notes
Verbal and visual presentation skills
Referencing skills
Researching from the Internet, journals and texts
Ongoing practise in conversing and presenting in English
Developing confidence and self-esteem in order to assimilate into, comprehend and enjoy future classes, and;
Creating letters of application and resumes for future employment.
If you wish to make an appointment with our friendly academic support staff please email admissions@avi.edu.au
Student Counselling
At Australian Virtus Institute, we know that student life can be both exciting and challenging. If you are experiencing personal difficulties, we will support you in both your academic progress and overall well being.
As part of our student support and wellbeing program, our counsellor is available at our Adelaide campus AND also available via telephone counselling support.
You can access confidential counselling for issues such as:
Mental health issues, including anxiety, stress and depression
Cultural shock and homesickness
Trauma, loss, and abuse
Bullying, harassment and discrimination
Study/work/life balance
If you wish to make an appointment with our counsellors, please send us an email or call us!

Studying & Learning Coaching
Where appropriate to the program, students identified with recognised difficulties in studying and learning are to be scheduled with additional one-on-one support sessions at regular intervals throughout the course program.
Facilities & Equipment
Australian Virtus Institute is maintained with lecture rooms. Facilities and equipments are set up, checked, and regularly maintained to ensure effective and efficient operation. Students have access to necessary instructional and assessment facilities, materials, and equipment.
Training facilities include:
Fully resourced-lecture rooms
Suitable training equipment set up safely and securely
Adequate acoustics, ventilation, and lighting
Amenities for meal breaks
Toilet facilities
Accessible references and resources
Computers with access to the Internet